Friends of the Coop

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Winchester Cooperative Theatre is enormously grateful to all the people who have become Friends of the Coop over the years to help us finance our elaborate productions and provide scholarships to our actors.  Please support our mission to bring outstanding children's theatre to Winchester by clicking here to become a Friend of the Coop.  We will recognize your generosity in our program and treat you to advance ticket sales for future Coop productions.  Thank you!

Friends of the Winchester Cooperative Theatre is dedicated to supporting the children's theatre with donations from local residents, alumni and family of alumni, and long-time fans of the Coop's vision.  Winchester Cooperative Theatre depends on these funds to support scholarships, capital costs, and special production expenditures.  As a thank you, Friends are offered advance ticket sales and are recognized in our show programs.  

Here are a few examples of how your donations have helped improve our theatre:

  • Most recently, you made possible the flying of the Wicked Witch of the West on her broom, Glinda in her balloon, the evil Monkeys as they kidnapped Dorothy, and the Wizard as he floated away in his balloon in our 2018 production of The Wizard of Oz
  • Thanks to you, Mary Poppins was able to fly in on the wind to the Banks family home, Bert was able to fly across the chimney tops, and Uncle Albert was able to fly with joy in our 2017 production of Mary Poppins
  • You financed the amazing flying carpet for our 2014 production  of Aladdin, as well as the flying apparatus for the Genie to do her acrobatic twists as she sang "Friend Like Me"
  • You enabled Peter Pan, Wendy and the kids to fly with a professional flying apparatus in our 2008 production of Peter Pan
  • You provided wireless headsets for the staff to communicate from all parts of the theatre, allowing for more technically perfect productions
  • You gave dozens of Winchester kids who would not otherwise be able to afford to participate a chance to shine in a Coop production

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to Friends of the Cooperative Theatre to keep our theatre strong.  Thank you for all your support!

Checks can be mailed to:  Winchester Cooperative Theatre, P.O. Box 443, Winchester, MA 01890, or you can join online here.

Winchester Cooperative Theatre is a 5013c organization.  All donations to the Friends of the Cooperative Theatre are tax-deductible.  Receipt available upon request.

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